Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 Wēodmōnaþ 1749 – 22 Hrēþmōnaþ 1832) Þēodisc bōcere, dramatist, poet, humanist, cræftmann, ūðwitega, and tīene gēar hēafodþegn rīces æt Weimar.
Sēo ēac : Faust, and The Sorrows of Young Werther
- Sēo woruld belīfþ ā þȳ ilce
- Woruld būtan lufe wǣre nān woruld.
- Hēofsang 2
Ūtanwearde bendas
- Göthes Rūm Līfspell - fram
- Johann Wolfgang von Göthe sceort līfspell - Ungōd Biblioþēcan gewrit.
- Weimar Classics Foundation (hæfþ þæt Þēodlice Goethe Þanchūs and þone Goethe and Schiller Hord)
- Bysen:Gutenberg author (Nīwa Englisca wendunga and Þēodisce frumtrahtas)
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's works æt Projekt Gutenberg-DE (on Þēodisce)
- Poems of J. W. Goethe swā HTML/PDF, Bīecniend, Wordbōc (on Þēodisce)
- Goethe and gifung gelōgodre sprǣce tō sumes mannes hāda
- Rāsiendu Rāsung: Goethe, Land, and Blēoþanc
- Large Image - wīdcūþ meldung of Goethe on hēam gesihþe.